martes, 3 de septiembre de 2013

i tought we were fine

i love you, but I LOVE ME MORE.!!
This afternoon finally i knew it , finally i made him to tell me..  he knows, that all is his fall, he knows he was wrong, and this could never happend.
But now here we are after all of his desitions, maybe if nothing were happend, we could be still together, but our reallity it's different he did it, i'm hurt and i think it's impossible to back again together, my heart wants, i miss him, obviously i still love him ,so much .! but my mind it's screaming.. YOU DON'T DESERVE THIS.!!!!!! do you want more of his shit.? what if he do that again.? supossing we get back together .. how can i trust in him again? it's going to be difficult,  i think that won't  happend ever again, i never going to be confortable with him, i'm going to feel insecure of all the things he say all the things  he do, i never going to feel in the sky again because of him, nothing it's going to be as it was, i'm never going to be in love as much as i was, i never going to love him more than i do now, so in this case, for what.????? it's better to take each of us our different way and that's it, he didn't think in the consecuences of his desitions, so now he has to deal with it and get use to it .. 
i think S:

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